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Take a Hike feature

Ever had a dream that you just couldn’t let go of?  One that’s always nagging at you in the back of your mind?  This is mine.  If you’ve met me, you may or may not have heard me ramble on about how I’m going to start a blog…someday…for year’s I’ve said well, after we get out of debt, when I feel more comfortable writing, maybe this weekend, maybe next weekend…and so on.  Well, here it is!  I’m doing it!

Welcome to the blog, my blog, our blog! My dream, my passion –  I’m beyond excited and beyond terrified all at the same time.  Excited to share our love of the outdoors and so much more and terrified of failure and the uneasiness of not knowing what the heck I’m doing.  Watch as I tell those fears to take a hike!  Here goes nothing!

Take a Hike one    

My name is Amanda and my husband, Cole, and I have a goal of camping two nights in every Minnesota State Park & Recreation Area, as well as hiking every Hiking Club trail within each park.  You’ll also see us camping other parks in surrounding states…as well as National Parks as we get to them.

Follow our journey here and on our social media channels and be inspired!  Not only do I research for hours on end to find what I believe to be the best campsite(s) in each park, but I absolutely love photographing each park and learning the history behind them.  You’ll never believe how different they can be…these places where saved and preserved for a reason.  And speaking of preservation, I have a love of house museums and history, so you’ll definitely see those topics scattered throughout our page.  Beyond that are our passions for fishing, foraging, hunting, and cooking.

I’m putting myself and my heart out there on the line…finally!  Not knowing what I’m doing is just a minor detail anyway, right?  Focus on your dreams!!!

Take a Hike two

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